
in your face

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why God Why?

I swear to God... I am so sick and tired of being ashamed of what our generation and the one before it have to offer for film. If they make one more effing remake of a classic horror film I'm going to call it quits and live in a cave and boycott media.
I mean really, I tolerate the bias in politics and news in the media- I refuse to play the games of the political parties. I choose to tolerate the craptastic chick flicks that seem to be made on an express conveyor belt.. I don't watch them.. I may roll my eyes at the previews... but I tolerate it.
But my horror movies? Really... did you have to ruin the one thing that brings me a source of joy in this morally corrupt, sad, turmoil filled shit-hole we call Earth!? Really?
And it's not like they started with one and ended it.. no. They had to remake Halloween, Friday the 13th... and now FREDDY!? *sigh* I realize it's been going on for quite sometime.. but with these movies; they were already a franchises... They could have just continued on their marry way to making shite sequels that I wouldn't watch and just left the originals alone.. but NOOOOOOOO. I'm sick of these money grubbing whores in hollywood. How the hell do they sleep at night raping an all ready crappy film that should just be left alone to entertain the generations to come with their amature graphics and acting.

Anyway, I'm just so pissed about this I had to vent somewhere.. because no one I know cares.

Amber out.

Monday, May 10, 2010


what kind of cruel joke is this anyway?
I'm so confused. People are so fucking confusing! I mean I love the differences between people, but isn't our likenesses and our commonalities what bring us together and help us relate? Even attract us to one another?
Life is so contradictory... I mean, I get that our differences and our uniqueness are what make life so colorful and enjoyable. But half of life's misery is figuring people out or rather.. never figuring them out. My dad always told me " You can not control anyone else's reactions, you can only control your own." and "You won't understand someone else completely because they see things in their own perception- everyone has their own movie." and I know this.. I guess i just can't come to grips with it.
I was watching Heroes the other day with my friends and we discussed what powers we wanted. I have always said I wouldn't want to be a mind reader.. there are reasons we can't hear people's thoughts and why people have filters and what not.
But I think I could handle it now. I'd rather know what the hell people are thinking then constantly wonder and possibly think worse than what is being thought. I mean, I can handle someone's honest opinion.. I base my life on being honest. I think real friends and people who love one another should be honest... not blunt or cruel.. but honest.
Sorry, this probably makes no sense at all to anyone. I'm just frustrated with trying to figure people out. They make no sense... and I'm one of them!
Amber out.

just some thoughts

Be still
Do you feel that
It's an awakening of feelings
These feelings I have not felt in so many years

A protective coating that lines my core
My heart
Who I really am
It's been there
For so long

Someone has been tugging at it
Trying to peel back the layers of black
The layers of sarcasm
Where I'm wrapped up in
I'm so comfortable there

I hold on tight
With a death grip
No one will get in
I hanker in my bunker
I'm ready for battle
To fight to stay distant
To feel nothing

The struggle
The question
Is it better to love and risk the pain that comes with it
Or is it better to pull your heart out of the game and stay safe
Not experiencing the extreme highs
But more importantly avoiding the lowest of lows
Is the pain worth it

I think not.